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BRI 硅谷青年论坛

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本次论坛邀請到了首位华裔/亚裔美国总统候选人Andrew Yang杨安泽发表主要讲话,协同來自普华永道的著名会计事务所的管理顾问华裔青年領袖David Wang王钦,印度裔社会企业家Sanjeev Saxena,以及华裔创投和公益活动家Chuck Ng一起組成panel,向來自各方的年轻朋友分享他們的成长,创业、公益活动、和公共服务的经历和经验。 欣欣,翰林青年部等青少年学生及社团成员到场聆听并提问。

侨路基金会共同主席趙湘君表示,此次以公民責仼 、公益爱心、共創超越 、共担使命為核心的硅谷青年論壇,希望提供平台讓下一代都有同樣機會向青年領袖學習成長。



Distinguished Guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

we are together here today because of you!

Welcome to the Silicon Valley Youth Forum hosted by the BRI Foundation. Co-host by Shin Shin Youth Group、Hanlin Youth Group、Civic Leadership USA and all Supporting Organizations.

My name is Betty Yuan , one of the co-chairs of BRI. Another co-chair is Deb Zhao.

Bridge Road International (BRI) Foundation , the Chinese name is 僑路基金会。We are non-profit organizations founded in 2018, by several Chinese American community leaders from Silicon Valley, and Northern California.

Our goals are two priorities.

First is to promote Sino-US cultural and educational exchanges and to sow the seeds of Sino-US friendship.

Last summer, we hosted an elementary school Chinese journalist's visit to the United States. They went to the CBS live room, and also to WW2 Pacific War memorial Hall and the San Francisco Main Library. The Chinese children found and realized that China and the United States fought side by side during World War II in China. The librarian noted “Although my work is very busy, I am very happy because I like to read”. These are examples of important Chinese and American cultural exchanges.

Second, we strive to improve Chinese American social responsibility; strengthening citizenship and uniting the community in starting from ourselves. As Andrew Yang said, “Why should I come out for the election? Because I want to let all Americans know that there is no difference between Chinese and other ethnic groups, and we will work hard to participate in national public affairs”.

We recently had the New Year's Day Tea Party and met with several of our Bay Area elected officials, and the children learned: Many Chinese Americans who have served in the community for several years have begun to run for elections. Many have also achieved good results and assumed social responsibilities. Not only speaking on behalf of Chinese, but also becoming models and improving the Chinese image in society overall. We continue to host the BRI Silicon Valley Youth Forum.

Our aims are to discover, bring together, and cultivate Chinese youth elites with leadership potential, develop them to speak their minds and exert their influence, and gradually become the leading figures of Chinese influence in various industries in the United States.

Our goal is to bring ourselves together, to be the voice of the times in the name of our youth. Expand into a platform for youth leaders to promote and expand development.

Today, face-to-face, with Chinese youth leaders, our theme is: Social responsibility, public welfare, innovation, and growth beyond the obvious, we are an educational and cultural organization that will not support any political party or any political figure but to increase the number of Chinese Americans whom engage and learn more about citizenship. Social responsibility, innovation and entrepreneurship. Responsibility and accountability are the messages we want to deliver.

I hope everyone has a rewarding afternoon. I wish you all a happy new year! All the best!



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