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课  程  收  费

Tuition and Fees


  1. 课程收费见下表。报名费$30外,6/1日前缴交全额学费,免除报名费。

  2. 同一家庭有多名学生报名中文课,第一名学生全额学费,其他每名学生有$30学费折扣(仅限中文课)

  3. 付款支票抬头请写:Warm Springs Chinese School 并在 MEMO 栏注明 学生姓名。 请将支票钉在申请表上面。 学校不另行给予收据,Canceled Check 可作收据。每张跳票罚款$30。 

  4. 欢迎使用银行转账Zelle付费; pay to 请注明学生姓名和选修课程。如使用PayPal付费,记得选取朋友关系。PayPal账号

  5. 请将签字的报名表email到 或者将签字的报名表和支票邮寄到地址:41657 Montevideo Ct.,  Fremont CA 94539。


Tuition Policy

  1. The registration fee is $30 for each student. This registration fee is waived for students who register and pay full tuition before June 1st. 

  2. For each additional sibling enrolled, a $30 discount will be applied. The sibling discount applies to Chinese language classes only.

  3. We prefer you pay your fees through Zelle; pay to You also can use PayPal, please pay to Make sure to choose the friends and family option, otherwise, you need to add an additional 3% to cover the fee.  Write your child's name in the notes section. 

  4. If you would like to pay with check, please make the check payable to: Warm Springs Chinese School, and please write the student name and grade on the memo of the check. We will not give out receipts. Any returned checks will be charged $30 as fine. Checks can be mailed to 42657 Montevideo Ct. Fremont, CA, 94539.

  5. Email us your signed and completed PDF registration form to OR mail your signed and completed PDF registration form and check to: 42657 Montevideo Ct., Fremont CA 94539. 

退费规则 :
  • 新生注册费将不予退回。

  • 9 月 23 日或之前退学、取消课程,中文班扣除手续费$100,退 款支票将于第 6 周后领取或寄出。 9 月 23 日之后,将不予退费。

Refund Policy

  • NO REFUNDS on registration fee

  • NO REFUNDS past two weeks after school starts. All refunds require a $100 processing fee and may take up to 6 weeks to process.

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Tel: 510-513-5921



701 Wisteria Dr.

Fremont CA 94539

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